Model switching

One of the main objective of PlantSimEngine is allowing users to switch between model implementations for a given process without making any change to the code.

The package was carefully designed around this idea to make it easy and computationally efficient. This is done by using the ModelList, which is used to list models, and the run! function to run the simulation following the dependency graph and leveraging Julia's multiple dispatch to run the models.


The ModelList is a container that holds a list of models, their parameter values, and the status of the variables associated to them.

Model coupling is done by adding models to the ModelList. Let's create a ModelList with several models from the example scripts in the examples folder:

Importing the models from the scripts:

using PlantSimEngine
# Import the examples defined in the `Examples` sub-module:
using PlantSimEngine.Examples

Coupling the models in a ModelList:

models = ModelList(

PlantSimEngine uses the ModelList to compute the dependency graph of the models. Here we have seven models, one for each process. The dependency graph is computed automatically by PlantSimEngine, and is used to run the simulation in the correct order.

We can run the simulation by calling the run! function with a meteorology. Here we use an example meteorology:

meteo_day =, "examples/meteo_day.csv"), DataFrame, header=18)

To reproduce this meteorology, you can check the code presented in this section in the FAQ

We can now run the simulation:

run!(models, meteo_day)
┌ Warning: A parallel executor was provided (`executor=ThreadedEx()`) but some models cannot be run in parallel: PlantSimEngine.Examples.ToyRUEGrowthModel{Float64}(0.2). The simulation will be run sequentially. Use `executor=SequentialEx()` to remove this warning.
@ PlantSimEngine ~/work/PlantSimEngine.jl/PlantSimEngine.jl/src/run.jl:242

You'll notice a warning returned by run! here. If you read its content, you'll see it says that ToyRUEGrowthModel does not allow for parallel computations over time-steps. This is because it uses values from the previous time-steps in its computations. By default, run! makes the simulations in parallel, so to avoid the warning, you must explicitly tell it to use a sequential execution instead. To do so, you can use the executor=SequentialEx() keyword argument.

And then we can access the status of the ModelList using the status function:

TimeStepTable{Status{(:TT_cu, :LAI, :aPPFD,...}(365 x 5):
 Row     TT_cu         LAI      aPPFD     biomass  biomass_increment 
       Float64     Float64    Float64     Float64            Float64 
   1       0.0  0.00554988  0.0396961  0.00793922         0.00793922 
   2       0.0  0.00554988    0.02173   0.0122852           0.004346 
   3       0.0  0.00554988  0.0314899   0.0185832         0.00629798 
   4       0.0  0.00554988  0.0390834   0.0263999         0.00781668 
   5       0.0  0.00554988  0.0454514   0.0354902         0.00909028 
   6       0.0  0.00554988  0.0472677   0.0449437         0.00945354 
   7       0.0  0.00554988    0.04346   0.0536357         0.00869201 
   8       0.0  0.00554988  0.0469832   0.0630324         0.00939665 
   9       0.0  0.00554988  0.0291703   0.0688664         0.00583406 
  10       0.0  0.00554988  0.0140052   0.0716675         0.00280105 
  11       0.0  0.00554988  0.0505283   0.0817731          0.0101057 
  12       0.0  0.00554988  0.0405277   0.0898787         0.00810554 
  13    0.5625  0.00557831  0.0297814    0.095835         0.00595629 
  14  0.945833  0.00559777  0.0433269      0.1045         0.00866538 
  15  0.979167  0.00559946  0.0470271    0.113906         0.00940542 

                                                            350 rows omitted

Now what if we want to switch the model that computes growth ? We can do this by simply replacing the model in the ModelList, and PlantSimEngine will automatically update the dependency graph, and adapt the simulation to the new model.

Let's switch ToyRUEGrowthModel by ToyAssimGrowthModel:

models2 = ModelList(
    ToyAssimGrowthModel(), # This was `ToyRUEGrowthModel(0.2)` before

ToyAssimGrowthModel is a little bit more complex than ToyRUEGrowthModel, as it also computes the maintenance and growth respiration of the plant, so it has more parameters (we use the default values here).

We can run a new simulation:

run!(models2, meteo_day)
┌ Warning: A parallel executor was provided (`executor=ThreadedEx()`) but some models cannot be run in parallel: PlantSimEngine.Examples.ToyAssimGrowthModel{Float64}(0.2, 0.5, 1.2). The simulation will be run sequentially. Use `executor=SequentialEx()` to remove this warning.
@ PlantSimEngine ~/work/PlantSimEngine.jl/PlantSimEngine.jl/src/run.jl:242

And we can see that the status of the variables is different from the previous simulation:

TimeStepTable{Status{(:TT_cu, :LAI, :aPPFD,...}(365 x 8):
 Row     TT_cu         LAI      aPPFD  carbon_assimilation          Rm        Float64     Float64    Float64              Float64     Float64 ├─────┼──────────┼────────────┼───────────┼─────────────────────┼────────────┼──
   1       0.0  0.00554988  0.0396961           0.00793922  0.00396961    2       0.0  0.00554988    0.02173             0.004346    0.002173    3       0.0  0.00554988  0.0314899           0.00629798  0.00314899    4       0.0  0.00554988  0.0390834           0.00781668  0.00390834    5       0.0  0.00554988  0.0454514           0.00909028  0.00454514    6       0.0  0.00554988  0.0472677           0.00945354  0.00472677    7       0.0  0.00554988    0.04346           0.00869201    0.004346    8       0.0  0.00554988  0.0469832           0.00939665  0.00469832    9       0.0  0.00554988  0.0291703           0.00583406  0.00291703   10       0.0  0.00554988  0.0140052           0.00280105  0.00140052   11       0.0  0.00554988  0.0505283            0.0101057  0.00505283   12       0.0  0.00554988  0.0405277           0.00810554  0.00405277   13    0.5625  0.00557831  0.0297814           0.00595629  0.00297814   14  0.945833  0.00559777  0.0433269           0.00866538  0.00433269   15  0.979167  0.00559946  0.0470271           0.00940542  0.00470271 ╰─────┴──────────┴────────────┴───────────┴─────────────────────┴────────────┴──
                                                  3 columns and 350 rows omitted

In our example we replaced a soft-dependency model, but the same principle applies to hard-dependency models.

And that's it! We can switch between models without changing the code, and without having to recompute the dependency graph manually. This is a very powerful feature of PlantSimEngine!💪


This was a very standard but easy example. Sometimes other models will require to add other models to the ModelList. For example ToyAssimGrowthModel could have required a maintenance respiration model. In this case PlantSimEngine will tell you that this kind of model is required for the simulation.