I want to use PlantSimEngine for my model

If you already have a model, you can easily use PlantSimEngine to couple it with other models with minor adjustments.

Toy LAI Model

Model description

Let's take an example with a simple LAI model that we define below:

Simulate leaf area index (LAI, m² m⁻²) for a crop based on the amount of degree-days since sowing with a simple double-logistic function.

# Arguments

- `TT_cu`: degree-days since sowing
- `max_lai=8`: Maximum value for LAI
- `dd_incslope=500`: degree-days at which we get the maximal increase in LAI
- `inc_slope=5`: slope of the increasing part of the LAI curve
- `dd_decslope=1000`: degree-days at which we get the maximal decrease in LAI
- `dec_slope=2`: slope of the decreasing part of the LAI curve
function lai_toymodel(TT_cu; max_lai=8.0, dd_incslope=500, inc_slope=70, dd_decslope=1000, dec_slope=20)
    LAI = max_lai * (1 / (1 + exp((dd_incslope - TT_cu) / inc_slope)) - 1 / (1 + exp((dd_decslope - TT_cu) / dec_slope)))
    if LAI < 0
        LAI = 0
    return LAI

This model takes the number of days since sowing as input and returns the simulated LAI. We can plot the simulated LAI for a year:

using CairoMakie

lines(1:1300, lai_toymodel.(1:1300), color=:green, axis=(ylabel="LAI (m² m⁻²)", xlabel="Days since sowing"))
Example block output

Changes for PlantSimEngine

The model can be implemented using PlantSimEngine as follows:

Define a process

If the process of LAI dynamic is not implement yet, we can define it like so:

@process LAI_Dynamic

Define the model

We have to define a structure for our model that will contain the parameters of the model:

struct ToyLAIModel <: AbstractLai_DynamicModel

We can also define default values for the parameters by defining a method with keyword arguments:

ToyLAIModel(; max_lai=8.0, dd_incslope=500, inc_slope=70, dd_decslope=1000, dec_slope=20) = ToyLAIModel(max_lai, dd_incslope, inc_slope, dd_decslope, dec_slope)

This way users can create a model with default parameters just by calling ToyLAIModel(), or they can specify only the parameters they want to change, e.g. ToyLAIModel(inc_slope=80.0)

Define inputs / outputs

Then we can define the inputs and outputs of the model, and the default value at initialization:

PlantSimEngine.inputs_(::ToyLAIModel) = (TT_cu=-Inf,)
PlantSimEngine.outputs_(::ToyLAIModel) = (LAI=-Inf,)

Note that we use -Inf for the default value, it is the recommended value for Float64 (-999 for Int), as it is a valid value for this type, and is easy to catch in the outputs if not properly set because it propagates nicely. You can also use NaN instead.

Define the model function

Finally, we can define the model function that will be called at each time step:

function PlantSimEngine.run!(::ToyLAIModel, models, status, meteo, constants=nothing, extra=nothing)
    status.LAI = models.LAI_Dynamic.max_lai * (1 / (1 + exp((models.LAI_Dynamic.dd_incslope - status.TT_cu) / model.LAI_Dynamic.inc_slope)) - 1 / (1 + exp((models.LAI_Dynamic.dd_decslope - status.TT_cu) / models.LAI_Dynamic.dec_slope)))

    if status.LAI < 0
        status.LAI = 0

Note that we don't return the value of the LAI in the definition of the function. This is because we rather update its value in the status directly. The status is a structure that efficiently stores the state of the model at each time step, and it contains all variables either declared as inputs or outputs of the model. This way, we can access the value of the LAI at any time step by calling status.LAI.


The function is defined for one time step only, and is called at each time step automatically by PlantSimEngine. This means that we don't have to loop over the time steps in the function.

Running a simulation

Now that we have everything set up, we can run a simulation. The first step here is to define the weather:

# Import the packages we need:
using PlantMeteo, Dates, DataFrames

# Define the period of the simulation:
period = [Dates.Date("2021-01-01"), Dates.Date("2021-12-31")]

# Get the weather data for CIRAD's site in Montpellier, France:
meteo = get_weather(43.649777, 3.869889, period, sink = DataFrame)

# Compute the degree-days with a base temperature of 10°C:
meteo.TT = max.(meteo.T .- 10.0, 0.0)

# Aggregate the weather data to daily values:
meteo_day = to_daily(meteo, :TT => (x -> sum(x) / 24) => :TT)

Then we can define our list of models, passing the values for TT_cu in the status at initialization:

m = ModelList(
    status = (TT_cu = cumsum(meteo_day.TT),),


lines(m[:TT_cu], m[:LAI], color=:green, axis=(ylabel="LAI (m² m⁻²)", xlabel="Days since sowing"))
Example block output